Mirassou Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine 750 Ml
Mirassou Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wine is a big, fruit-forward red wine that bursts with blackberry, black cherry and raspberry notes. Aging in oak gives this red Cabernet Sauvignon a delicate vanilla aroma and delicious soft tannins that linger on the palate. Whether you're planning a casual grill in the backyard or a cozy night in front of the fire, Mirassou's versatile Cabernet Sauvignon pairs well with anything from steak and burgers to lasagna. When pairing wine and cheese, try Cabernet Sauvignon alongside aged cheddar cheese for a savory combination. For every occasion, there's a Mirassou wine to complement your event. Make this moment shine by raising a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon wine.