Osem Matzah, Israeli, Original 5 Ea

Regular Matzah Mehudar. Yashan flour. Challah is taken. Kosher for Passover & all year round. Jewish National Fund: Your voice in Israel. Help green the land the Israel. Osem will contribute $2.00 (up to $400,0000) for each Osem 5-lb Matzah box sold, to Jewish National Fund to plant trees in Israel. Every box counts! jnf.org/plantnow. Remember the family, come home for a visit. jnf.org/travel. We help build tomorrow, today. Donate now. Donate now to help build Israel's future. jnf.org. 800.452.8733. Facebook. Twitter. YouTube. Try our Osem Passover recipes! For delicious dishes to make your holiday special with Osem, visit us on Facebook or scan the QR code. www.osemusa.com. www.facebook.com/OsemUSAInc. Product of Israel.